Monday, March 15, 2010

Introducing "The Attic Fish"

No, we don't hold hostage our beloved goldfish in the attic. We have started calling them our "attic fish" as their large tank is above the smaller tank of the pond babies.

So, without further ado, here are Brutus (gold with white fins, born in the pond, raised by us indoors), Shubunkin aka Bunkie(the brains and beauty of the tank); and Blitzen (about 3.5yrs old, big mouth, eats anything and everything)


  1. They look sweet and very healthy!!
    your shub nearly has the same colors as mine..
    great to see that you also notify the characteristics of your fishes. I was astonished at first to see how different fishes act and live. They are just like humans..!

  2. They truly do have their own personalities! Brutus is pretty easy going, perhaps too easy going given his recent foray into plastic cup surfing :S

    I once had a black moor who I swear would change his facial expression somewhat depending on my face. But that's probably "crazy fish person" talk, hehehe

    Our shubbies definitely have the same colourings.

    Thank you for mentioning that they look healthy, it's nice to hear and reinforces that we must be doing o.k. in the goldfish well-being department.
