Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sexing Goldfish

Well, from what I'm reading lately the way to sex your goldfish is....look for the nib!

No, not the yummy red licorice treats that my husband maintains are NOT licorice. I'm referring to the anal area. Apparently female goldies' anal area extrudes out (nib), and male goldies are concave in (no nib).

Sooo, it seems Blitzen is a garbage-guts female, Shebunkin is a gorgeous flowing male, and Brutus - well I'm still not settled on that!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Did a 50% water change in the tanks yesterday and today, and added salt. Slight indications of white stuff on the fins of the babies. Bubbles in the poop string of one - never seen that before? Hoping the bubbles from the waterfall have just attached.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fantastic Site

I've recently found a really warm and informative site re: goldfish. Lots of nice people


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I've been meeting a lot of people online, reading lots of posts, since creating this blog. One common feeding theme has been lettuce - apparently goldfish love it! So, I tore up a few pieces of romaine tonight, partly to feed the snails, partly to see what the fish would think of it.

Brutus was the first brave soul to take a bite. Good little man didn't even regurgitate it out :) Garbage-guts Blitzen, much to my surprise, was hesitant for a good hour!

Perhaps they are just not used to it, or perhaps Romaine is the wrong kind of lettuce, but either way: they much preferred their standard flakes/bloodworm treat. SO FAR. If green is healthy for us, it must be so for them? :) I am going to pursue this fresh food/greenery. At the very least the gf will be amused.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Introducing "The Attic Fish"

No, we don't hold hostage our beloved goldfish in the attic. We have started calling them our "attic fish" as their large tank is above the smaller tank of the pond babies.

So, without further ado, here are Brutus (gold with white fins, born in the pond, raised by us indoors), Shubunkin aka Bunkie(the brains and beauty of the tank); and Blitzen (about 3.5yrs old, big mouth, eats anything and everything)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Toys for Bored Goldfish

It sometimes appears to me that the indoor goldfish get blase', bored. I change around their decorative rocks from time to time to change up their environment, create a new swimming obstacle. This week I added a well-washed plastic Dole cup (the kind fruit comes in). It floats around til it hits the waterfall flow, then swoons down in the current. Blitzen, our largest goldfish, seems to like sticking his head into it, bopping it. Shebunkin, the one who I was specifically hoping to amuse, doesn't pay one bean of attention to it at all. I'm still looking for toy ideas for him....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Talking to Goldfish

Hello. My name is Kelly. I talk to my goldfish.

Yes, I understand that these pre-verbal creatures lack somewhat in the conversation department. But I cannot pass up the opportunity to say "hi fish!" as I walk by during the day, to say "good morning little guys!" as I walk by to start up the kettle, or to coo "goodnight fish" as I turn off their lights and head myself into bed. What they lack in verboseness they make up in inspired friendly fin waggling as I press my face closer to their tank. Some say goldfish have a 20 second memory; I prefer to hold on to the idea that my fish love me as much as I love them. Ok, I know they just want food. But still.....

What Colour are Goldfish When They are Born?

what colour are goldfish when they hatch

This is so true...the largest goldfish in the top photo ("Frankie") used to be a beautiful grey, almost the colour of a weimaraner dog. He's been transitioning to gold and white, we think to blend in with the shebunkins he tanks with.

Tips on How to Breed Pond Fish Babies

Breeding Pond Fish

Rescued Baby Goldfish-Shebunkin Hybrids

The photo above shows some of our baby goldfish/shebunkin hybrids that were born in our outdoor pond last summer. We brought a few in for the summer. Some are more flowy, shebunkin-y than others, and one has a very pretty blue-ish eye, almost like some kois. We'll have to decide whether to release any this spring back into the pond.

Here's a link to our outdoor pond blog

Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome, all freaky fish people!

I admit it: I am a freaky fish person. I love my goldfish, and everything about our indoor aquariums. Please join me in these Goldfish Lovers Anonymous sessions!